I discovered Singapore more than 45 years ago.I had never been there of course. It was out of my mind and my possibilities.
No, it was just a word behind my first calculator, an HP-33E.On the back, it said: “Made In Singapore”. It may be a detail for you, but for me, it means a lot … 😉
What was this country that made such extraordinary products ?
When we took the risk of believing in the IPTV opportunity and disruption of the audiovisual world thanks to technologies from the Internet, we went from France to … Singapore. We chose Singapore to start our internationalisation, first in Asia.
Like always, some people could say: too soon.
But between “too soon” or “to late”, to be precursor or just a copycat like some competitors that you know, my choice is made.
One day, an old SVP of France-Telecom said “Being right too soon is being wrong”… well in the short term, he could be right, because it is the most difficult (and dangerous if you miss the vision). But I can tell you that in the medium and long term, common sense, commitment, passion and the quality of the relationship with our customers always win.
To those who think that being right too soon is being wrong, I would say that with the right inspiration, the right teams, trust, kindness and good stars, we move mountains.
And ultimate success … when we have the pleasure to discover “Witbe’s” babies that come from all parts of the world !